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LongSeek                 Moves to a Specific Record in a Data File

 LongSeek(var DFile : file of <type>; ItemNum : Real);                   [TP]
 LongSeek(var UFile : file; RecNum : Real);                              [TP]

    Moves the file pointer to the indicated record of the file accessed by
    the file variable DFile or UFile. Following this call, a Read (or
    BlockRead) will read in that record, while a Write (or BlockWrite)
    will write out to that record. The first record number in a file is 0;
    that is, LongSeek(F,0) will move to the first record in the file. This
    function can be used for MS-DOS files that are so large that there are
    more than (MAXINT + 1) records.

           DFile    A data file.

          <type>    Any type except a file type.

           UFile    An untyped file.

           Note:    See Seek for a function that will move the file
                    pointer for files that have (MAXINT + 1) records or
                    less. (MAXINT = 32767).

  -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

           X := 50000.0;
           LongSeek(DFile,X);       { move to record #50000 }

See Also: Seek LongFilePos LongFileSize
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